Part of me can’t believe that I’m taking the time to put together this note, now, the week of the big tax deadlines. But I also know if I don’t do it now, this tax season having [...]
Well, here we are. The personal filing deadline (April 18th) is *so* close. Yes, it’s officially the final week of tax season — and we are working our tails off for our clients! [...]
“I’ll get to it later…”No, I’m not talking about us doing your tax return! But come on — haven’t we all uttered that magical phrase, capable of assuaging [...]
I’m not just talking about tax disasters here. (And those are very real — believe me when I tell you that there have been a few clients who didn’t allow us to help them do some [...]
The other day was the first day of spring — which seems to always rush past me in a caffeine-soaked blur. As you may understand, we’re a little “busy” this time of year! [...]
The brackets are all set — well, by that I mean, the NCAA basketball brackets … the TAX brackets have been set for quite some time, and we’ve been spending our days with them [...]
We’re officially into the season that we get really and truly busy. Even with the extended tax deadline of April 18th this year, I know that some of our clients are still gathering their [...]
A little while back, the IRS released a study which showed that the average time it takes ALL taxpayers to do their taxes is a total of 18 hours. The number is even higher if you don’t just [...]
I’m going to start off this blog post with asking for a small favor — would you take a few moments and leave an honest review on Yelp or Google Maps about your experience with us? And [...]
We are just about two months away from the tax deadline. This year (2016) the tax deadline happens to be April 18th, instead of April 15th, due to special a holiday in Washington, DC [...]